Offering Support to families impacted by gun violence

Jorden Lee Puskar was a son, grandson, brother, nephew, and friend whose life was tragically taken away from us far too early by senseless gun violence. This innocent young man was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

They say a person's footprint on this earth is measured by how many people come to their funeral. At 21, Jorden's was huge, with over 1,000 family and friends attending to honor him. We came together knowing that his death would not be forgotten or in vain, and the Flashlight Foundation was formed. Flashlight was Jorden's nickname, one inspired long ago by a marvel movie he watched with his mother.

Our Mission

The Flashlight Foundation is here to light the way. Our mission is to offer a comforting hand to other families impacted by gun violence, who are suffering from pain, grief, and loss, to help with expenses, and to continue to build gun violence awareness.